Friday, 1. June 2007

Dita von Konsequent

Dita Von Teese is using sun-blocking curtains to stop her getting a tan while she is at the Cannes Film Festival.
"I have brought my own curtains to the hotel to stop the sun getting in, and I have only used the hotel pool at night.
I have also packed vitamins to stop the sun doing anything to me. Some foods accelerate tanning, so I'm very careful about what I eat here.

Earlier this week, Manson claimed his marriage to Dita left him soulless.
"She said she tolerated my lifestyle because she hoped I would change. She threatened to leave if I didn't. I was sleeping on the couch in my own home. I was no longer supposed to be a rock star. I was someone who had to be apologised for. I wasn't prepared to be alone. I came out of this naked, a featherless bird. I was completely destroyed. I had no soul left."


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Lorelei - 2007/06/01 20:43

There are two sides to every story, I guess.

Aber Respekt vor Ditas Disziplin. Ich hab' schon wieder meine Sonnenallergie, weil ich drei Tage in der Woche vergesse, meine Vitamine zu nehmen.


[expect the unexpected]

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